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5 Tips to Help You Make a Good Impression on a First Date

5 tips for a first date

1. Preparation:

  • Study your partner's profile. This will help you find common topics of conversation, learn about his interests and hobbies.
  • Choose a suitable meeting place. Focus on your partner's tastes and preferences.
  • Think of several topics to talk about. This will help you avoid awkward pauses.
  • Make a rough date plan. This will help you feel more confident and not miss important moments.

2. Appearance:

  • Dress appropriately for the place and time of the meeting.
  • Your appearance should be neat and tidy.
  • Don't wear clothes that are too revealing or frilly.
  • Choose clothes that make you feel comfortable and confident.
  • Add a few accessories to highlight your style.

3. Behavior:

  • Be punctual.
  • Smile and be friendly.
  • Show interest in your partner.
  • Ask questions and listen carefully to the answers.
  • Avoid bragging, gossip and negative remarks.
  • Be yourself!
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First date

4. Topics for conversation:

  • Tell us about your interests and hobbies.
  • Take an interest in your partner's hobbies.
  • Tell us about your plans for the future.
  • Share your impressions about the books, films, and performances you have read.
  • Discuss events happening in the world.
  • Avoid talking about politics, religion and ex-partners.

5. Ending the date:

  • Thank your partner for a nice time.
  • Give a compliment.
  • Offer to meet again.


  • If you meet in a cafe, ask what your partner likes to eat.
  • If you're going for a walk, tell us about your favorite places in the city.
  • If your partner has told you about his hobby, ask him to tell you more about it.

Remember that first impressions are very important.

By following these tips, you can make a good impression on the first date and increase your chances of staying in the relationship.

Read also:  Second youth: dating after 40 years

Good luck!

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