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How to overcome jealousy and maintain trust in a relationship

How to overcome jealousy

How to overcome jealousy and maintain a strong relationship? Jealousy is a natural feeling that every person in a relationship can experience. And if jealousy becomes excessive, it can destroy trust and lead to serious problems.

Reasons for jealousy:

  • Low self-esteem:
    • People with low self-esteem may be more prone to jealousy because they:
      • Not confident in yourself
      • Afraid of being abandoned
      • Compare themselves to other people
      • Feel less attractive, smart, or successful
    • Example:
      • Woman with low self-esteem be jealous my partner to her successful career, believing that she less successful and not enoughgood for your partner.
  • Negative experience:
    • People who have experienced infidelity or betrayal in the past may be more prone to jealousy because they:
      • Don't trust others
      • They are afraid that they will be deceived again
      • Project their past experiences onto their current relationships
    • Example:
      • Man, which betrayed his ex-wife, Maybe be jealous my new partner to her male friends, suspecting her in infidelity.
  • Fear of loss:
    • Jealousy can be caused by the fear of losing a loved one.
    • Example:
      • Human, which fears loneliness, maybe be jealous his partner to his work or friends, afraid, what he will lose his attention and love.
  • Controlling behavior:
    • Jealousy can be a manifestation of controlling behavior.
    • Example:
      • Partner, which strives control all aspects of your life partner, Maybe forbid him to communicate with friends of the opposite sex, check his phone and demand from him a constant report of his actions.

How to overcome jealousy:

  • Become aware of your feelings:
    • The first step to overcoming jealousy is to become aware of your feelings.
    • Admit that you are feeling jealous.
    • Write it down your feelings in a diary so that analyze them and understandtheir reasons.
  • Talk to your partner:
    • Talk openly with your partner about your feelings.
    • Explain what is bothering you.
    • Select quiet time to talk when you can calmly And no charges discuss your problems.
  • Work on your self-esteem:
    • Increasing your self-esteem can help you become more confident and less likely to:
      • Afraid of being abandoned
      • Be jealous
    • Exercise what you like put goals and reach their, surround yourself the people who you support.
  • Practice trust:
    • Trust is the foundation of strong relationships.
    • Consciously take steps to:
      • Trust your partner
      • Reduce your jealousy
    • Remind about yourself merits your partner and reasonsby which you love.
  • Ask for help:
    • If you cannot cope with jealousy on your own, consult a psychologist or psychotherapist.
    • A specialist will help you figure out in the reasons for your jealousy and findways to overcome it.
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How to overcome jealousy

How to maintain trust in a relationship:

Confidence – this is the basis of strong and long-term relationships.

To maintain trust:

1. Be honest with each other:

  • Tell the truth, even if it's difficult.
  • Don't lie, exaggerate, or hide information.
  • Example:
    • Report to your partner about yours plans on weekend, Not hiding that meet with friends.

2. Be true to your word:

  • If you promise something, keep your promise.
  • Don't make promises you can't keep.
  • Example:
    • If you promised help your partner with moving, execute your promise.

3. Be respectful to each other:

  • Value your partner's opinions and feelings.
  • Don't insult or humiliate him.
  • Example:
    • Attentively listen opinion your partner, even if you are with him do not agree.

4. Show interest in each other's lives:

  • Ask about how the day went, what new and interesting things happened.
  • Support your partner's hobbies and interests.
  • Example:
    • Inquire, how passed meeting your partner with friends, WhatHe found out new.
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5. Be willing to compromise:

  • Things won't always go your way.
  • Know how to give in and negotiate.
  • Example:
    • Agree on compromise option recreationwhich will interesting to you both.

6. Know how to forgive:

  • All people make mistakes.
  • Know how to forgive your partner if he did something wrong.
  • Example:
    • Sorry your partner, if he offended you accidentally.

7. Solve problems together:

  • Don't ignore problems or put off solving them.
  • Discuss problems calmly and constructively.
  • Example:
    • Together with a partner find solution Problems, which arose in your relationship.

8. Be considerate of your partner:

  • Give compliments, give gifts, show attention.
  • Show that you care about your partner and your relationship.
  • Example:
    • Give to your partner flowers without reasons, to show my Love.

9. Be yourself:

  • Don't try to seem like someone else.
  • Your partner loves you for who you are.
  • Example:
    • Not be afraid show their true feelings and emotions to your partner.

10. Communicate with each other:

  • Talk about your feelings, thoughts and experiences.
  • Communication is the key to a strong relationship.
  • Example:
    • Tell me to your partner about yours feelings And fears, so he could you support.


    • Trust is a two-way street.
    • Treat your partner the way you would like to be treated.

How to overcome jealousy 3

Examples of phrases that can be used:

      • "I trust you"
      • “I know that you will always support me”
      • “I appreciate your honesty”

Common mistakes people make when trying to maintain trust in a relationship:

  • Inability to forgive:
    • Resentments that have not been forgiven can become poison that poisons a relationship.
    • Example:
      • Not forgiving your partner for treason, You will suspect him in infidelity in future.
  • Control:
    • Trying to control your partner's every move can lead to mistrust and distance.
    • Example:
      • Examination phone partner without him aware is manifestationmistrust.
  • Dishonesty:
    • Even a small lie can undermine trust.
    • Example:
      • Concealment their income from a partner maybe undermine his confidence to you.
  • Inability to compromise:
    • Unwillingness to give in can lead to conflicts and resentment.
    • Example:
      • Reluctance go on compromise in choosing a place for recreation Maybe bring To quarrel.
  • Inability to communicate:
    • The inability to talk openly and honestly about your feelings and needs can lead to misunderstandings.
    • Example:
      • Not expressing yours discontent directly, you you're taking risks accumulateoffense, which will destroy Your relationship.
  • Ignoring problems:
    • Problems that are not solved will only accumulate and eventually lead to a crisis.
    • Example:
      • Ignoring problems With finances Maybe bring To seriousconflicts in future.
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  • Trust is a fragile gift that must be protected.
  • Relationships take work, but the effort is worth it.
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