
Class hour on the prevention of bad habits: organization and structure of the lesson

Class hour on preventing bad habits


In modern society, many people face problems associated with bad habits, such as smoking, alcohol and drug use. To prevent their spread and help the younger generation make the right choices, schools conduct classes on the prevention of bad habits. In this article we will look at how such a class can be organized.


Before conducting a class on the prevention of bad habits, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. It is important to determine the goals and objectives of the lesson, as well as select appropriate material for the presentation. The material should be informative, but not too difficult for students to understand.

Lesson structure

1. Introduction
– Greetings and introduction from the teacher
– Explanation of the goals and objectives of the lesson

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2. Information part
– Consideration of bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs) and their consequences for health
– Show presentation with illustrations and statistics

3. Working with students
– Discussion of bad habits and their impact on life
– Analysis of real-life situations related to bad habits
– Conduct role-playing games or discussions to develop decision-making skills

4. Conclusion
– Summing up the lesson
– Distribution of information materials and recommendations on the prevention of bad habits


An hour-long class on the prevention of bad habits is an important tool for developing a healthy lifestyle for students. It helps them understand the consequences of bad habits and make the right decisions. The organization of the lesson should be structured and interactive in order to convey information as effectively as possible and involve students in the learning process.

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