
Dating sites: free and popularity rating

Dating sites: free and popularity rating


In the modern world, online dating has become a very popular way to find a partner. One of the main tools for this are dating sites. In this article we will look at free dating sites and their popularity ratings.

Free dating sites

Free dating sites allow users to register and create their profile without any payments. However, some may offer paid services or features to enhance the dating experience. Below are some of the popular free dating sites:

1. Tinder

Tinder is one of the most popular free dating sites in the world. It allows users to view other users' photos and profiles, as well as like or swipe right or left to express interest.

2. Badoo

Badoo is another popular free dating site. It offers a wide range of features, including searching for users by geographic location, chatting, and dating games.

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3. OkCupid

OkCupid is a free dating site that is known for its detailed profiles and compatibility algorithm. It provides the user with the opportunity to answer questions about themselves and their preferences in order to find a suitable partner.

Popularity rating of dating sites

The popularity rating of dating sites can change over time and depends on various factors such as the number of users, reputation and quality of services provided. Below is a ranking of the popularity of some dating sites at the moment:

1. Tinder

Tinder remains one of the most popular dating sites in many countries. Its simple and intuitive interface, as well as its large number of users, make it an attractive choice for many people.

2. Badoo

Badoo also has a lot of popularity and an active user community. Its diverse functions and the ability to communicate with people from different countries make it attractive to those looking for new acquaintances.

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3. OkCupid

OkCupid is popular due to its unique approach to dating and compatibility algorithm. It attracts users who are looking for a deeper relationship and want to find a partner with whom they share common interests and values.


Free dating sites provide an opportunity for people to find a partner and expand their social circle. The popularity rating of dating sites can help users choose the right site according to their preferences and expectations. Regardless of the site you choose, it is important to remember to be safe and cautious when meeting new people online.

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