
Introducing Numbers: Basics of Mathematics and Everyday Living

Getting to know the numbers


Numbers are the basis of mathematics and our daily existence. They are used to measure, count, describe and analyze various phenomena and objects. Understanding numbers and their meanings is an essential skill that helps us in many areas of life.

What are numbers?

Numerals are symbols that are used to represent numbers. The Arabic number system uses ten digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. They form the basis for writing numbers and performing mathematical operations.

Meaning of numbers

Each digit has its own meaning, which depends on its position in the number. For example, in the number 123, the number 1 represents hundreds, the number 2 represents tens, and the number 3 represents units. The positional number system allows us to represent numbers of any size and perform various operations with them.

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Basic operations with numbers

You can perform various mathematical operations with numbers, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Each operation has its own rules and methods of execution. For example, when adding numbers, we add the values of each position separately, starting from the right. When multiplying, we multiply the values of the digits and sum the results.

The meaning of numbers in everyday life

Numbers play an important role in our daily lives. We use them to count money, measure time, describe the quantity of objects and many other things. Understanding numbers and their meanings helps us navigate the world and make smart decisions.


Familiarity with numbers is an important stage in learning and development. They help us understand and describe the world around us. Understanding the meaning of numbers and the ability to perform operations with them are necessary skills for successful adaptation in modern society.

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