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Signs of a toxic relationship: how to recognize and get out in time

Signs of a Toxic Relationship

Toxic relationship are relationships that have a destructive effect on your:

  • Self-esteem
  • Emotional
  • Mental health

Recognize them It can be difficult, as they can disguise themselves as love and care.

Let's consider:

  • Key Signs of a Toxic Relationship
  • How to get out of them in time

1. Control

Your partner is trying to control All aspects of your life:

  • From your friends and family
  • Up to your finances

2. Criticism

Your partner constantly criticizes:

  • Your appearance
  • Your actions
  • Your solutions

3. Insults

Your partner:

  • Insults you
  • Humiliates
  • Uses sarcasm and sarcastic comments

4. Manipulation

Your partner manipulates you using:

  • Guilt
  • A pity
  • Threats

5. Gaslighting

Your partner is trying to convince you that you:

  • You're wrong about your feelings
  • You perceive reality incorrectly
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6. Insulation

Your partner is trying to isolate you:

  • From your friends
  • From your family

7. Physical or emotional abuse

Your partner:

  • Threatens you
  • Causes you physical or emotional pain

signs of a toxic relationship 2

If you have detected several of these signs in your relationship:

1. Realize:

  • The first step to leaving a toxic relationship is recognizing that it is such.
  • Recognize what this relationship is doing to you pain And harm.

2. Talk to your partner:

  • If you feel strength, talk to your partner about your feelings and what you worries.
  • Explain that his behavior unacceptable and it's for you I do not like.

3. Ask for help:

  • Tell us about your situation close peopleto whom you trust.
  • Consider contacting psychologist or psychotherapist.
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4. Make an action plan:

  • If you decide go out out of relationships, make an action plan.
  • Think about this:
    • Where will you live
    • How will you financially support yourself?
    • How will you communicate with mutual friends?

5. Don't be afraid:

  • Remember that you not alone.
  • There are many people who:
    • survived similar experience
    • ready to help you.

6. Don't come back:

  • After you come out from a toxic relationship, don't come back to them.
  • Remember that these relationships:
    • won't change
    • will hurt you.

Additional Information:

  • Examples of phrases toxic people use:
    • «Ты меня не любишь»
    • «Я без тебя ничего не могу»
    • «Ты виноват(а) во всем»
  • Common mistakes people make when leaving a toxic relationship:
    • Return to partner
    • Saving relationships for the sake of children
    • Refusal of help
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Leaving a Toxic Relationship - This difficult, But necessary step for your well-being. Don't be afraid to ask for help and take care of yourself.

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